
Preaching Mark is unavailable, but you can change that!

This new resource examines the major literary units and unique perspective of Mark’s Gospel to help the pastor in sermon preparation. Thurston guides the reader through each of the lectionary readings, attempting to answer the questions: • Why did Mark preserve this story? • Why was it important for his community? • What does it mean for us today? Included in each chapter are suggestions...

text is appointed for the Baptism of the Lord just after Epiphany) is summarized by the question, “Why was Jesus baptized since he was without sin?” (see Heb. 4:15). The baptism of Jesus marks the beginning of his ministry, his commission from God. It signals both the start of his public ministry and his solidarity with sinners. It is like the prophetic sign-acts in Hebrew scripture; it unifies Jesus with the movement toward repentance (v. 4), sets an example for his followers, and serves as a metaphor
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